Class: p6

Class: p6

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

2D shapes and 3D objects

We are learning about 2D shapes and 3D objects this week in maths.  We are thinking about how the faces of a 3D object are made up of 2D shapes and using this to help us create ‘nets’ of shapes.  We began today by trying to make some 3D objects out of playdough. It was really difficult to get the shapes accurate and to have faces the correct shape. 
After a while we decided to move onto using paper.  Miss Shearer gave us the challenge of making a square based pyramid out of paper.  It was even harder!  In fact some of us thought it was impossible!  We tried our best but again, we didn’t manage to make a very accurate shape so we then went on to use a ‘net’. This made our models much more accurate but it was still very challenging!  We are going to use squared paper to create some more nets and they will be even more accurate. 

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