Class: p6

Class: p6

Monday, 9 February 2015

Viking Longship Challenge

Here is a copy of our Viking Longship Challenge Homework sheet!  Happy building! 

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Lots of Longhouses

This week we have been learning a bit more about Viking life – in particular Viking Longhouses and where they lived.  We learned that the houses were long and only had one room in them.  The roof was very peaked and hung over the sides of the house so the water didn’t soak into the walls.  Some longhouses would have beds in them but the animals slept inside in the winter.  The houses had no windows and only one small door so they were quite smoky (and probably smelly we decided!). 

Miss Shearer gave us a challenge of creating a Viking Longhouse in small groups.  She provided us with junk and clay and told us we had 3 hours to create our houses in.  Eileen also very kindly took in some hay for us to use for our roofs.  We have used half of our time so far and are well on with our models.  We’re letting them dry out over the weekend so we can add any details to them next week.  Here some pictures of our progress.