Class: p6

Class: p6

Friday, 31 January 2014

This Week ( by blogger Abigail)

This week we have been preparing our assembly and have had some visits from Eileen's mum who is a doctor. 
I have learnt about fifths and tenths and about silkism.
I have enjoyed doing our assembly.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Bird Watching Survey!

Today, we were visited by Lindsey Taylor from the RSPB. She talked to us about the different types of birds in Orkney and around our school. We discovered that birds have very inventive ways of getting enough food!

Then we made fat balls full of seeds, porridge oats and raisins. We created bruised and soft apples, full of black sunflower seeds, that are perfect for hungry birds.


We are going to use these in our maths by taking a survey of what kinds of birds visit, then make graphs. It's a big project but we are ready for it.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Preparing a healthy meal: Fruit Salad

Our topic lesson today focused on preparing a healthy meal through cutting skills. We wee challenged to cut fruit for a fruit salad by using a bridge and with fingers facing away from the knife. When we could, we used the flat surfaces to steady the fruit.

We worked in pairs or small groups to create a healthy meal.

Aiden, Leigha and Owen kept their area very tidy throughout the session

The smell interested Mr McIntosh, who tasted group's fruit salads

This was the first time some pupils had tasted pomegrante, mango and passion fruit. The class LOVED pomegrante but that could be because it is so messy! To start the lesson we explored where the fruits we eat come from. Most of them come from places close to the equator. We placed fruit on the map where we thought they would come from and as a class we were very close!

Friday, 17 January 2014

This Week (By Blogger Lucy)

This week we have been writing poems.
I have do fractions.
I have enjoyed...crunch and sip!

Thursday, 16 January 2014

RME, Maths and Topic!

The biggest change from last term is that we take a short break to eat fruit and have a drink of water, this is called a Crunch&Sip break. We have really been enjoying the opportunity to eat different fruit and vegetables. Thank you for your support, parents!

Here are some thoughts about Crunch&Sip:

"Really good" Caity
"Cool because you get to choose what fruit you bring" Zoe
"You get to be healthy and eat fruit instead of junk" Dylan
"Really good because you get a break from work" Jorjalee

Thursday's Crunch&Sip tray

In RME, we have been learning about Sikhism. We have explored the area where the religion began and its first leaders... Gurus. We were given a Guru to research and produce a poster to share with the class. We released how important Gurus were to Sikhs today.

In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. We make fractions when we take the whole of something and split it into equal parts. We have been working on a half, quarter, fifths and tenths. 

We created a fraction wall which shows us what fractions look like beside other fractions:

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Back for Term 3!

Welcome back, primary 4 for term 3.

During this term our topic is My Healthy Body. Our goal is to keep children healthy and happy! Until Feburay 12th, we will hold Crunch&Sip breaks in Primary 4. During these breaks pupils can eat any fruit of fresh veg they bring. A letter was sent out on Friday. You can find more info here:

We are happy to welcome our new headteacher, Mr Neil McIntosh. On Wednesday, Mr McIntosh introduced himself during assembly and primary four seemed very pleased with this next step forward for SPS. Mr Taylor is now our principal teacher.

A newsletter will be sent out next week with more information on any events happening during this term.