Class: p6

Class: p6

Friday, 30 August 2013

Sound Stories and Scrap Stores

We have had an interesting second week! In numeracy, we have been working on our recall of multiplication or addition number facts. We played games to help us recall quickly and accurately

Dylan and Aiden matching number facts (5x7) to their products (35)
During drama, we enjoyed some warm up games before creating sound stories. To create a sound poem, we divided ourselves into teams, chose sounds then added a narrative.

Drama class, in partners touching ankle to ankle and ear to ear!

On Friday, we explored our ability to create a method (to melt an ice cube) then evaluate it. Dylan ad Emily were able to melt an ice cube in 5 minutes. We tried squashing, squeezing, wrapping them up, wetting them and jumping on them. We found holding it tightly under cold water worked best.

We weren't allowed to use hot water, if you were wondering!

Abi melting an ice cube with her chosen method
On Tuesday, Primary 4 were visited by the Challenger Bus crew. The Challenger Bus taught our class about a missionary Mary Slessor and her work in Nigeria. We enjoyed this immensely. We got to to sing songs, ask and answer questions, play games and "CHOOSE YOUR FISH!" 
Primary 4 outside the Challenger bus 

Children being shown a small (very small) Bible

This is the first full week that we have had access to the Scrap Store: a collection of scrap and junk we use in our free play during lunch. There have been so many innovative ideas and pupils cooperating to build structures and invent games. The girl of Primary 4 are working on a climbing frame built from ropes!

Owen and Aiden creating a trolley with the Scrap Store

This Week! (By blogger Menna)

This week we have been learning about John Rae's early life and we have been recalling number facts. I really enjoyed it! I also liked gym.

We have got a new award, they are SPS hero's. we learnt a new song called Special Kind of Hero's.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Welcome to Primary 4!

Our classroom for 2013/14

We are glad to be back at school and in the senior end of Stromness Primary! There's so much we are looking forward to: our topic Africa, writing stories, other topics we will be doing, music and art.

In our first week we have been reading a story called 'Cloud Busting'. 'Cloud Busting' is a story about a friendship between Sam and his weird but wonderful friend, Davey. We created clouds with adjectives describing ourselves and retold the story using pictures and text (words). Abi used the words active and imaginative, Dylan used stylish. Other words our class used to describe ourselves were technical, sporty, intelligent, funny, musical and hilarious!

Our 'Cloud Busting' display (Our adjective clouds and our story summaries) 
We have been trying to decorate our classroom and organised some very important responsibilities for pupils to have such as librarian, water watch and window operator. We have explored the well being wheel for getting it right for every child.

Our Health and Wellbeing display, our class jobs and commitments
We created a set of class commitments. These commitments are:

To keep a tidy classroom
Follow instructions first time
Always respect other people and 
Think before you speak!

We are looking forward to everything this school year brings!